You know that a subject has become important when politicians and big businesses start giving it their time of day. If recent headlines are anything to go by, sustainable development seems to have finally arrived.
Billions of dollars are being allocated for battling environment degradation. Countries are working towards cutting down their carbon emissions and investing into renewable energy sources. Coal is finally being recognized as dark. The concept of electric vehicles is no longer just drawings and equations on a white paper. Greta Thunberg is as popular as Beyonce, perhaps even more. Even the Delhi Police knows her name.
The threat of climate change is not new. Yet, the conversation around it has assumed a degree of urgency over the past few years. Masses have begun to get involved. Environmentalists have become more vocal. An organization called ‘Extinction Rebellion’ now advocates civil disobedience to get political leaders across the globe to cut through the politics and focus on climate issues. If all this has taken you by surprise, you are not alone. At some point over the past few years, something shifted. Something made people care.
What was it? Was it the wildfires in Australia and California? The hurricanes in Asia and South-Eastern United States? The permanently colored air in Beijing and Shanghai and New Delhi? The hottest summers ever around the world?
Or was it Covid, that finally made us realize that we weren’t invincible after all; that nature, and our planet, still had the upper hand? That we took much more than we gave back, oblivious to the damage we were causing to the environment?
Whatever be the case, Nature had had enough and it hit back. And now we’re listening.
Closer home, the youth are asking the right questions - how do we reduce our waste in day to day living? How do we recycle more, converting waste to wealth? Do we have alternatives to single-use plastic?
And as an answer to these questions, a host of businesses have come up offering their services both in the B2B and B2C segments.
Here at MyOnearth, we are using Bamboo, Coir, Cork and Coconut Shells to create a variety of home and personal care products that will provide you with eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastic products. Our vision is to be able to service all your sustainable lifestyle needs at one place.
Climate change is a problem of such magnitude that it requires large scale global cooperation to keep in check. No single country, let alone company, can by itself bring about meaningful change. We must all do our bit. The good news is, people are now aware, and moving in the right direction.
If you haven’t done so yet, take your first steps today. There will never be a better time.